Peak District Caving

HomeThe CavesBradwellCrematorium Pot

Crematorium Pot

Entrance of Crematorium Pot


There is no general access to this site. Parties who generally want to see this site, should contact Mark Brown of SUSS. Contact details are: (reveal)


Lord, P.J. (1970), , Jour. S.U.S.S. Vol.1. No.6., p.229., Sheffield University Speleological Society
Anon. (1979), , Jour. S.U.S.S. Vol.3. No.1., p.59., Sheffield University Speleological Society
Smith, G. (2001), , Descent No. 160., p.11. Survey., Wild Places Publishing
Barker, I. & Beck, J.S. (2010), , Caves of the Peak District, p. 53, DCA