Peak District Caving

HomeThe CavesMagnesianAsh Tree Cave

Ash Tree Cave


check Permission required.

On private land - gated but not locked. No access restrictions apply, but please call at Highwood Farm first to let the landowner know you are visiting. Do not disturb fill or deposits as the site is a Scheduled Monument.


Armstrong, A.L. (1950), Exploration of prehistoric sites in East Derbyshire. [Ash Tree Cave], Derbys. Arch. Soc. Jour. 70, pp. 80-91, Derbyshire Archaeological Society
Armstrong, A.L. (1956), Report on the Excavation of Ash Tree Cave, Whitwell, 1949/57, Derbys. Arch. Soc. Jour. 76., pp.57-64., Derbyshire Archaeological Society
Barker, I. & Beck, J.S. (2010), , Caves of the Peak District, p. 249, DCA
Dinnis, R. et al (2014), A cut-marked Neolithic human tooth from Ash Tree Shelter, Derbyshire, UK, Cave and Karst Science Vol. 41 no.3, pp. 114-117, British Cave Research Association